portrait photographers in winston salem
Sam and Max
Portrait location: Winston Salem, NC
portrait photographers in winston salem
Absolutely love this photo of Max. The lighting in this photo worked out quite nicely. Normally, when I’m photographing children, I simply just ask for them to play and beautiful images can come from that.
This is one of my favorites. Max is camera aware, but he was simply playing and just happened to look right at the camera, resulting in his adorable expression.
Again, I simply have the children I’m photographing just play and be themselves and beautiful moments come out of it.
A timeless handsome portrait of Max, just being himself.
It can be hard to decide what to dress your children in for portraits. One important thing I always recommend is keeping in mind the season of the year. Pick out colors that represent that season. For example this photo was taken in October when the leaves were starting to change colors. By having Sam wear an orange color shirt, it picks up some of the background colors of autumn. #AutumnPortraitIdeas
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